Do you have a houseplant or garden plot that's not thriving as you'd expect?  

Gardener’s September To-Do List

Hours of Operation

Yes, we are open!

Sunday – Friday 10 -5
Saturday 9 – 5

Everything that needs to be done in the dirt this month, for our front range gardens and lawns!!!

Garden Task:

  • Sow seed of next year’s biennial flowers, such as forget-me-nots (Myosotis sylvatica), sweet William (Dianthus barbatus), and foxglove.
  • Plant spring-flowering bulbs along with Hardy Boy Pansies.
  • Dig up tender dahlias, cannas, caladium, and gladiolus before frost hits; store tubers and bulbs in a cool, dry spot (store in Perlite to keep moisture away) .
  • Start spinach, lettuce and kale under row covers or in a cold frame for tasty winter salads.
  • Plant perennials, trees and shrubs to take advantage of cool weather.  Use Fertilome Root Stimulator the help plant material get established.

Lawn Task:

  • Still time to patch bare spots in the lawn—cover grass seed lightly with 1/8″ Top Soil.
  • Apply Hi-Yield Grub Free Zone III to your lawn to control grubs and other insects that lay their eggs in your lawn.
  • In late September, apply Winterizer fertilizer to help your lawn go into proper dormancy.  We carry Winterizer from ProRich, Fertilome and Colorado’s Own.

Remember, during the dry periods all plant material needs moisture.  Make sure to water trees, shrubs, perennials and bulbs to ensure a healthy dormancy.

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